Which Art Form Should You Practice?

Ever wonder what type of art you should pursue? Take this quiz to find out!

Tags: Art

Here are all the results with descriptions

You should practice painting, perhaps the highest of the high arts. Your deft hand, attention to detail, and patience all give you great advantage in this field. You not only have the technical potential, but your eye for color helps as well!

You should practice drawing, the most basic but also the most adaptable of the arts. Your creativity, adaptability, and imagination allow you to create art anytime, anywhere, and you don't want to be held back by silly rules or conventions. You are also good at seeing the fundamental forms and shapes of things around you.

You should practice sculpting, perhaps the most tactile and palpable of all the arts. You have great spatial awareness and can easily imagine things in three dimensions. You also have strong, sturdy hands that let you manage the finest details and the heaviest work.

You should practice animation, the most fluid of the arts. You know that every picture tells a story, and that story is more important to you than inessential details. You are also willing to spend a great deal of time at what you do, because you inevitably love your work.

You should practice photography, for you have a great sense of the world around you and how to arrange real life to create optimal beauty. In addition to that, you also have a sense of adventure, which allows you to go to new and dangerous lengths to get the pictures you want.

You should practice crafting, whether its stained glass, quilting, ceramics, etc. Crafting is the best for you because while you are highly creative and artistic, you are also a bit of a utilitarian. You love creating useful things that can improve the lives of the people who enjoy them.