What Old South Family Should You Have Belonged To?

The Old South families have a deep love of family, friends, and community. What Old South family should you belong to?

Tags: South, Family, Tradition

Here are all the results with descriptions

You are a strong and independent person. You love the education process, and you feel it is important for all people to have access to educational opportunities. You are also a patient and kind teacher. You would make a great member of the Carter family!

You are focused on providing safety for your family and community. You believe in volunteering and donating to local charities. You hate seeing anyone suffer or go without the basic necessities. You would make a great Hardwick!

Your faith is everything to you. You are an active member of your religious organization, and you enjoy discussing your faith with others. You like to go on mission trips with your religious organization to help spread your message of salvation. You would make a wonderful member of the Houston family!

You love nature. You love to garden for both produce and flowers. You would spend most of your time outdoors if it were always up to you. You love a rainy day as much as a sunny day. You also enjoy observing all types of wildlife. You would fit right in with the Montgomery family.

You love large family gatherings! You enjoy playing games with adults and children. You are naturally athletic and good-natured. You truly enjoy meeting and being around all kinds of people. You would be a wonderful addition to the Shelby family.

You are not a big spender. You are great at making and keeping a budget. You enjoy investing your money and watching your savings grow. You are not stingy, just smart. You are kind and generous with your time. You would make a great Vance family member!