What Would Have Been Your Mining-Town Job In The Old West?

Mining towns were rough and tough, and only for the brave. What job would you have had in a mining town?

Tags: Job

Here are all the results with descriptions

A Blacksmith
You are good at working with your hands. You have a good sense of how to shape and mold things to make a perfect fit, and you don't mind hot, hard work. You would have been good as a blacksmith.

A Saloon Owner
You are a social person who likes to see everyone having a good time. You are good at making friends but also good at keeping business and pleasure separate from one another. You are also good at calming down hot tempers and easing tension between people. You would have been an excellent saloon owner.

A General Store Manager
You are good at anticipating the needs of others. You are also always concerned with whether or not you have everything you might need. You are the shopper of your family, but you are very good with money. You would make a good general store manager in the Old West.

A Miner
You are a very optimistic person. You are also a gambler. You put all your faith into something, and you will make it happen or die trying. You don't mind hard work, because you believe in your heart that it will pay off. You would be the right fit for a miner.

A Lady of Comfort
Yes, that is a nice way to say prostitute! In mining towns, there was usually a 9:1 male-female ratio, and so the prostitutes actually played an extremely important role. They were comfort givers and psychiatrists. They were kind faces, and they were often substitute mothers. They were never just ladies of the night. You would have filled this role perfectly!

A Doctor
You don't mind the sight of blood or broken and disfigured bones. You just want to help. You find the human body interesting, and you are also someone who doesn't mind taking care of people when they are sick. You would have been a good doctor to have around in a mining town.