What Is Your True Generation?

Forget what year you were born; this quiz will tell you which generation your personality matches. Play now!

Tags: Personality, Living, Generation

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Greatest Generation
With your strong moral beliefs and survivor attitude, you match with the generation that came to be known as the greatest of all. Born at the start of the twentieth century, the members of this generation are known for their grit, determination, and optimistic outlook, and are frugal, responsible, and hardworking.

The Silent Generation
Your match is the generation known as the 'lucky few,' and like children born during the Great Depression and the two world wars, you do not fight misfortune but quietly count the blessings you do have. A traditionalist who values stability, safety, consistency, and commitment, you value personal relationships and have little faith in electronic communication.

The Baby Boomer Generation
Groovy, dude! You are a throwback to the 1960s, a hippie love child with an idealistic outlook on life and a belief that you can change the world. You are self-confident, competitive, and resourceful. Good health is more valuable to you than wealth, and you enjoy exercise and team sports.

Generation X
You are independent, anti-establishment, and cynical. Combining the heart of an artist with the brain of a geek, you are determined to do things differently and will deliberately break tradition anytime you can. Tech buzz words such as hack, innovate, and disrupt come from this generation's anarchistic outlook on life as they took the Boomer's idealism and gave it a dark twist to create the technology revolution.

The Millennial Generation
Your personality matches with the largest generation of all--those who nurtured the birth of technology and helped it grow to become the driving force behind society. A risk-taker with an entrepreneurial spirit, you have a global awareness that drives you to work not only for your own gain but to better the planet.

The Information Generation
We don't care how old you are; your answers tell us that you are totally in sync with the latest technology and fit in perfectly with the youngest generation of all--the kids born in the twenty-first century. Others follow trends, but you create them. You are innovative and unpredictable, and are always looking for the excitement.