Which Egyptian Pharaoh Are You?

Wondering which Egyptian pharaoh you'd be? Take the quiz and find out!

Tags: Ancient-History, Egypt

Here are all the results with descriptions

King Tut (Tutankhamun)
He restored the capital to Thebes after the death of Akhenaten and also restored the worship of the old gods. He was Mr. Fix It. He had a temper, changed things that his father had altered, and spent a lot of time fashioning the images of the gods. He loved tradition.

Cleopatra VII
She was the last pharaoh who tried to hold off the Romans under Augustus. She ruled beside three pharaohs, including her son. She was also in love with Mark Antony. She loved her son, sought to save people from Caesar, and followed her heart above all else--even if it meant cheating.

Ramesses II
He ruled during the New Kingdom and built all over Egypt. In fact, many of the things he built still stand today. He had over 100 children with more than a dozen wives! In other words, he was a womanizer with big goals and a lasting impact.