Are You Salty Or Sweet?

Find out whether you're super-sweet, salty and grumpy, or somewhere in between with this fun quiz!

Tags: Sweet, Mood

Here are all the results with descriptions

Aww, you're as sweet as candy and twice as nice!

You can be comforting and fun, and you're everyone's pal!

Some people want to define you as grumpy, but you're grumpy with an edge and a dash of curmudgeonly humor--kind of like a cat in a bad mood.

You've got issues--probably just with one person or situation, but it's taking over your mood in general!

Ooh, you're really, really grumpy. Your bad mood has been festering for a while. It may already be affecting your face!

You're flirty and fun. Even when you're mad, you're at least entertaining!