How Grown Up Are You?

Some people are young - and others are just young at heart! How old is YOUR soul? Take this simple quiz to find out now.

Tags: Maturity, Attitude, Behavior, Age, Character-Trait

Here are all the results with descriptions

A Wise Old Soul
Even if you're still a young person, you have the outlook of an experienced and very mature, older person. Mostly this is wonderful. You almost never make foolish, rookie mistakes. Sometimes, though, you need to loosen up a little. Remember to have fun, too! Trust us. If you fall, you'll still be able to get up.

A Middle-Aged Adult
You're a little tired and worse for the wear, but you're not done having fun yet! You probably have a lot of responsibilities, both at work and at home, that are wearing you down. You are rising to them admirably. Just remember to pamper yourself now and then, too.

An Adult
You're at your prime, both mentally and physically. You have responsibilities, sure, but you have more than enough energy to deal with them. You're enthusiastic about life and just experienced enough to know exactly what you want ' and what you don't want. Enjoy this time! If only you could stop the clock.

A Young Adult
Either you're a teenager or you still feel like one. The teen years are when you experience life most intensely ' there's nothing like your first love. Or your first heartbreak, unfortunately. Mostly, you are full of energy and enthusiasm. There's one problem, though: you don't feel very free! And that can make you a little bit rebellious. Have fun, sure, but look after yourself, too!

A Preteen
Either you're between the ages of 10 and 12 or you just share the same outlook on life as a child of that age. And it's a great age! The world still seems fresh and new and amazing to you. And it's not yet complicated by sex and romantic relationships. Or, at least, not TOO complicated by them. You're still living the Wonder Years!

A Child
You see the world through the eyes of a youngster. This can be a wonderful thing. It can also be a little frightening at times. If you are a child, then this result makes total sense! If you're not, well, don't let anyone ever make you take off your rose-colored glasses. The world looks so pretty that way. And no, you can't stay up past your bedtime tonight.