Which Character Are You From Game of Thrones?

Do you love the world of Westeros? Do you wish you could live there? Find out which character you are and which side you'd be on in the fight for the Iron Throne.

Tags: Film, Tv-Series, Movie, Entertainment, Fun, Personality, Character-Trait

Here are all the results with descriptions

Ned Stark
You are deeply honorable and just, you will make any sacrifices for your friends and never do something you believe to be wrong. In a city of power-hungry cutthroats, you would be the only voice of goodness. You are very reasonable. You stand by your principles.

Tyrion Lannister
You're deeply clever, always thinking one step ahead of anyone else and you always have a plan. You have a wry sense of humor. You're quick and sharp. People might underestimate you but you always use that to your own advantage.

Arya Stark
You are a very brave person who always uses hard times to makes yourself stronger. You will not let injustice stand. You have deep emotions and aren't afraid to show them. You never run away from a problem and you don't back down.

Daenerys Targaryen
You have come so incredibly far in your life, you have turned your weaknesses into strengths and earned so much respect in the process. You're fierce and bold. You protect the weak and the innocent. You will not fear and you will never run.

Jon Snow
You have a great respect for duty, you are deeply compassionate and a natural born leader. You've never let any disadvantages stop you from pursuing what you really want. You can take control in a difficult situation. When push comes to shove, you're the one people want to depend on.

Cersei Lannister
Your family is the most important thing to you in the world, and you will do whatever it takes to protect them. No matter what's going on around you, you are always composed and assessing the situation. You have the fearlessness of a mother bear protecting its cub. You do want needs to be done and accept the consequences.