What Kind of Dancer Are You?

Take this quiz to find out what kind of dancer you are!

Tags: Hobby, Lifestyle, Living, Ballroom, Dancer, Personality, Entertainment, Fun, Character-Trait

Here are all the results with descriptions

Disco Dancer
You are unstoppable, nothing can hold you down, that's why you are the funky and lighthearted disco dancer! For you, keeping perspective is the most important part of life, and you know that life is so short it's best to be as positive as possible. It could be thunder-storming and lightning down upon you and you would still just boogie and do the hustle right on through it.

Ballet Dancer
You are an extremely hard worker and don't let anything stand between you and your goal, that's why your style of dance is ballet - the dance that looks extremely graceful and effortless but is really requires an incredible amount of strength and training. You have more to you than most people realize, but you tend to focus on self-improvement and disregard others' opinions of you.

Modern Dancer
You do not fit into any clean labels or boxes, you have a wildly unique approach to life and problem solving and it keeps everyone who knows you guessing. You are likely to laugh, cry, and shout all in the same day, and be very earnest about each one. Your energy may overwhelm some people, but no one would ever be able to call you boring!

Tango Dancer
You are very observant and so you are represented by tango, a dance that involves knowing your partner's every move no matter how small. Your ability to listen and retain everything (or nearly everything) is one of your strongest suits and the reason you make such a good partner. You would rather have one down to earth friend than ten superficial friends.

You are a sweetheart with a rough exterior and can tend to push others away when all you really want is to be close to them. You value privacy, but can't deny those moments when you want to be hugged and treated like the most special person in the world. You're a mossier because you have a lot of energy and a lot of fun, and while not everyone may understand where you are coming from, you have a die-hard group of friends who do.

You are a coveted mix of extreme creativity and strength. People look to you for style and life advice but you don't know what to say other than 'be yourself!' because that's your approach. You are outgoing and love to be the center of a crowd, but are also equally happy on your own, cultivating the life you want for yourself.