How Self-Confident Are You Really?

Here are all the results with descriptions

15% Self-Confident
You are 15% Self-Confident. You often question your decisions and can be unsure of yourself in many situations. Some would even say that you are shy, but occasionally, you surprise them.

32% Self Confident
You are 32% Self-Confident. You know who you are, but you always comfortable expressing yourself. In the right environment, you shine.

54% Self-Confident
You are 54% Self-Confident. You are someone who is very sure of yourself in most situations, but not all of them. You occasionally question your decisions.

80% Self-Confident
You are 80% Self-Confident. You rarely question your decisions, and you typically feel very comfortable expressing yourself. It is rare for you to feel out of place, but it happens every now and then.

97% Self-Confident
You are 97% Self-Confident. You are someone who has no trouble expressing how you feel, and is highly unlikely to second guess your words and life choices. Some may say you're a little too confident, but they don't phase you.