Which Disney Parent Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

Mr. And Mrs. Banks
The Disney parents that you're most like are Mr. And Mrs. Banks from Mary Poppins! Like these Disney parents, you're highly caring, extroverted, and always optimistic. You may be a bit forgetful at times, but that's certainly not on purpose!

Mrs. Darling- Peter Pan
The Disney parent that you're most like is Mrs. Darling from Peter Pan! Much like Mrs. Darling, you are very loving and caring parent. You possess a strong degree of empathy which allows you to see the world from your children's perspective.

King Triton- The Little Mermaid
The Disney parent that you're most like is King Triton from The Little Mermaid! Much like King Triton, you're a very opinionated parent who can be a bit stern from time to time. Though you're strict, all of your rules come from a place of love and protection.

Fa Zhou- Mulan
The Disney parent that you're most like is Fa Zhou from Mulan! Much like this Disney parent, you are a very traditional parent who values heritage and family values above all else. You yearn to teach your children of your family's history and the culture that allowed them to be who they are today.

Mufasa- The Lion King
The Disney parent that you're most like is Mufasa from The Lion King! Much like this disney parent, you are full of wisdom and strength. You have a big heart, which you use to influence your children in a positive way.