How Common Is Your Personality Type?

Here are all the results with descriptions

A Little Common!
This quiz revealed that your personality is a little bit common! Though there might be some who are similar to you, no one holds your unique personality or your sharp sense of humor. You're always the life of the party wherever you go, even if it means engaging in a battle of the wits from time to time!

Not Common At All!
This quiz revealed that your personality is not common at all! In fact, your personality is so unique that others can spot you from across the room. Not only do you radiate an energy that summons others towards you, but you possess an air of mystery that keeps people coming back for more. With a humble nature and warm disposition, once you let someone in, they never want to leave your side!

Very Rare!
You have an extremely rare personalty! There's no one earth who is quite like you and you wouldn't have it any other way. Not only do you radiate a rare type of energy that draws others into your world, but you don't concern yourself with what others think or how they view you. You're creative, independent, and always marching to the beat of your own drum. No one can put a finger on exactly who you are!