Which Modern Luxury Can You Not Live Without?

Put on your survival cap and get ready to leave luxury behind!

Tags: Luxury, Living

Here are all the results with descriptions

Social Media
You love keeping tabs on all your friends' lives, and you can't imagine doing that without Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, etc. It's such a big world, and nobody stays in one place anymore. You simply need your social meeds to keep up!

Air Conditioning
You are very sensitive to your environment, and you need things to be 'just so' in order to feel good. You probably love to decorate and light good-smelling candles. And on a very basic level, you can't imagine how people lived before air conditioning--sweating through hot summer days and shivering through cold winter nights. How miserable!

You live your life in high speed and technicolor, constantly craving new accomplishments and new journeys. You feel very impatient when something stands in your way, and being trapped in one place is your worst nightmare. You can't imagine life without the freedom of a car to zip here and there!

You have a highly artistic mind, and your heart is easily washed around on the tide of emotions. Music keeps your mind full of inspiration and new ideas, and carries your heart on an emotional journey. You can't imagine a life in which you can't walk around with earbuds in your ears, coddled in your music!

Imported Foods
As far as you're concerned, food is a form of art. Nothing makes you as happy as a dish that lights your taste buds up, and you hunt the world over for the perfect food. You can't imagine a life when things like pineapple, cacao beans, and sushi were hard to come by! Living on potatoes and gruel is your worst nightmare.

Search Engines
Your curiosity is boundless, and you love learning new things. As far as you are concerned, there is no such thing as 'useless trivia.' Search engines feed your hunger for knowledge, and you can't imagine a life where the answers to your questions aren't at your fingertips!