Which Planet Are You?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You are out of this world! You love cold weather and would take a blistering cold winter over a sweltering hot summer any day of the year. You like to be in charge and in control of your life. There’s no grey area with you as you like to be upfront and direct. You observe everything and are perceived as quiet. You excel in high-stress situations and are goal-oriented. You're most like Mars!

You don’t like change and prefer to keep things just the way it is. You are a calm and relaxed individual that likes repetition and monotony. You don’t like to take risks at all but you’re accurate and thorough. You prefer a stable environment that is free from noise and drama. You're most like planet Earth!

You’re very outgoing and energetic and love to be around people. You love compliments and enjoy being the center of attention. Like Saturn, you can be unpredictable and wild at times.

The plant venus, looks more like earth than any other planet. It’s the brightest in the solar system and named after the roman goddess of love and beauty. You must really like hot weather because this planet can get hot! You're very social and love a good time. You're most like Venus!

The storms on this planet are unpredictable just like you can be. You can sometimes be quiet and calm but your mood can quickly change to angry and annoyed. You have very little patience and your loved ones know this so they proceed with caution when it comes to you. You're most like Jupiter!