Could You Survive The Middle Ages?

Could you have handled the terrible--and gross--conditions of the Middle Ages? Find out if you lived to tell the tale!

Tags: Survival, History

Here are all the results with descriptions

You would have been hearty, healthy, and probably wealthy!

Done Well
For the most part, you would have avoided illness and injury, and lived to tell the tale!

You made it! There were some tough times, but you made it to old age!

Had a Tough Time
It wouldn't have been all wine and roses for you, but you made it through, and that's what counts.

Survived by the Skin of Your Teeth!
It would have been very dicey for you, and your life would have seemed harder than most.

Not Survived
Hey, don't feel bad. The Middle Ages were a hotbed of war, disease, and very little knowledge. You might bone up on some basic survival skills, though, just in case our own society falls into dark ages!