Which Roman Emperor Would You Be?

Check your leadership style against some of the most famous rulers of ancient times with our Roman emperors quiz!

Tags: Rome, Ancient-History

Here are all the results with descriptions

A classic autocratic leader, Nero is infamous as the emperor who 'fiddled as Rome burned,' partying while his empire crumbled into chaos. Like Nero, you enjoy the perks of being top dog but don't really want the responsibility. This works if you have competent and responsible people under you, but most of the time, it leads to disorganization and loss of morale. So come on out of your luxurious palace and check in with the plebeians every now and again!

Gaius Caesar (Caligula)
You are a strong, patriarchal leader whose word is absolute and whose authority must not be questioned. The Roman emperor Gaius Caesar, who is called by his childhood nickname Caligula (Little Boot), increased the absolute powers of the office of emperor, moving the Roman state farther away from its republican roots. His 'my way or else' leadership style didn't win him any popularity polls, and his rule came to an abrupt end with his political assassination. Take this as a cautionary tale!

Hadrian motivated through example, traveling his empire and connecting with every level of the population. During his lengthy rule, he rebuilt the Pantheon, created temples to the gods Venus and Roma, and protected the northern border of Roman Britain with the famous Hadrian's Wall. Like Hadrian, you are a blend of the rational and the visionary: a warrior who keeps the peace, a pragmatic worker with a poet's soul, and an emperor who relates to the common man.

A brilliant tactician and hands-on military leader, Trajan expanded the Roman Empire across Africa, Asia, and Europe to incorporate approximately 2 million square miles of territory. He was a soldier and a diplomat who was loved equally by the common citizens, politicians, and military. Like Trajan, you maintain balance in your life and do your best to please everybody. Although you aim for the highest goals, you refuse to climb on others on your route to the top and instead lift them up alongside you.

Constantine the Great
Unafraid to blaze new trails and challenge the status quo, you are a commander in the style of Constantine the Great. Not only did Constantine reunite the divided Roman Empire, subduing Rome's enemies and reclaiming lost territories, but by openly declaring himself a Christian, he paved the way for Christianity to be declared the official religion of the Roman Empire. An innovative leader who refuses to follow tradition, you have the power to change the world!

Augustus Caesar
Augustus Caesar was the first true emperor of Rome. He consolidated his power through a combination of brilliant political maneuvering and military skill, and created the constitutional framework that allowed him to govern as absolute emperor while maintaining the facade of a republic. In the style of Augustus, you are an authoritative leader who inspires those under you to work toward a common goal, encouraging entrepreneurial spirit while keeping focus on the big picture and tight control of quality and efficiency.