Could You Live In Sweden?

Here are all the results with descriptions

You Could Definitely Live In Sweden!
Based on the results of this quiz, you could definitely live in Sweden! As a highly open minded and creative individual, you would embrace Sweden's progressive attitudes towards government, equality, and human rights. As a quiet and stoic individual, you would fit right in with native Swedes who value silence, lack of conflict, and natural beauty. You were destined to live in this beautiful country!

You're Ready For Life In Sweden!
Based on the results of this quiz, you're more than ready for life in Sweden! Like a native Swede, you value equality, creativity, and intelligence. You're not one to tolerate ignorance and believe that all people are deserving of the same basic rights. As a more introverted soul, you'll love Sweden's small but tight social circles, love of quiet conversation, and natural beauty!

Sweden Could Be Your Home Sweet Home!
Based on the results of this quiz, Sweden could certainly be your home sweet home! Not only do you value quality over quantity when it comes to just about everything in life (including friends), but you believe that every human has basic rights that should be protected at all costs. You love coffee, cake, quiet conversation, and cozy evenings spent nursing a good drink. You could definitely live in this beautiful country!

You Could Probably Live In Sweden!
Based on the results of this quiz, you could probably live in Sweden! As a boisterous and audacious person, you have the potential to stick out like a sore thumb in this more reserved and introverted nation, but that doesn't mean you couldn't live in Sweden! Like a native Swede, you value natural beauty, equality, style, and being on time. It would take some time, but you could totally blend into this nation!

Sweden Is Not For You!
Based on the results of this quiz, you could not live in Sweden just yet! In fact, this country is definitely not for you! While most Swedes value quiet, style, promptness, and passivity, you believe that living a life in the shadows means losing out on valuable experiences. You don't concern yourself with blending in or making others happy. Instead, you say what's on your mind and always stand up for what you believe in!