What Is Your Innermost Personality?

Here are all the results with descriptions

The Artist
Your innermost personality type is “The Artist!” You’re a quiet, sensitive, and kind person who tries to avoid conflict as often as possible. You’re loyal and faithful, with senses that are extremely well developed. You appreciate beauty, art, and open minded thinking. You love to be original and creative. Most of the time, you live in the present rather than reflecting on the past or worrying about the future.

The Doer
Your innermost personality type is “The Doer!” You’re an extremely friendly, adaptable, and action oriented person who focuses on the here and now. You’re a risk taker who lives a fast paced lifestyle. You constantly feel like you need to be on the go or working on a new project. You’re a loyal friend who would do anything to help those around you. With amazing people skills, you can woo just about anyone with your charm!

The Caregiver
Your innermost personality type is, “The Caregiver!” You’re a warm hearted and conscientious person who always puts the needs of others before your own. You always feel a strong sense of responsibility and duty, especially when it comes to lending a hand. You value tradition and stability. You love to spend a night in just doodling or reading a book. Though you sometimes need positive reinforcement to feel good about yourself, you have a great sense of who you are and what you need in life!

The Duty Fulfiller
Your innermost personality type is “The Duty Fulfiller!” You’re a serious and quiet person who is most interested in living a peaceful and stable life. Friends love you because you can always be depended on to follow through. You’re well organized and hard working. Once you have a goal, nothing can stop you from doing whatever it takes to fulfill it.

The Visionary
Your innermost personality is “The Visionary!” You’re a creative, resourceful, and intellectually quick person who is great at a broad range of things. You get very excited about new ideas and projects, but may often neglect more routine matters in life. You’re generally very outspoken and assertive, but also enjoy just quietly listening to the ideas of others. You are always able to understand thing concepts quickly and with ease!