Do You Know Your Punk Name?

The punk culture is colorful and wild, and so are the punk names. Take this fun quiz to find out what your punk name is!

Tags: Punk, Subculture, Lifestyle

Here are all the results with descriptions

You put your family and friends above all else. You love to see the people in your life succeed, and you are always cheering them on. At times, people can take advantage of your helpful, giving nature, but for the most part, your sincerity is highly valued. You are important to your community, and you have lots of close friends because of your lovely, giving nature.

You often feel like life is not really going your way. You believe many times that things are unfair, and you can't help but be jealous of things that others have. You are a great shoulder to cry on when your friends are down in the dumps. You have been through a lot of ups and downs in life, and you can relate to other people's hardships.

You have a heck of a temper. You feel like sometimes you are losing your mind, and it is easy for you to understand how that happens to others. You are a very hard worker, and you don't let anything stand in your way. Just remember to take a little time to cool off now and then!

You are a trailblazer. You never follow the lead, and while that sometimes gets you in trouble, it usually leads you to wild success. Some people even resent you, because you are successful and you make your own rules. You love breaking out of your comfort zone, and you are constantly looking for change!

You love to create. You work well with others, and your happy-go-lucky attitude gets you noticed. People warm up to you quickly and like to have you around. You enjoy changing things up a lot, but you usually do so in fun and exciting ways.

You are always ready to get going if the going gets tough. You are ready for any emergency, but you often run away or just ignore your personal problems. You aren't very sentimental, and while you love your family and friends, you don't need to see them very often and don't mind if they or you move far away.