How Logical Are You?

Being able to reason through situations and solve problems quickly is why logic is so important! Are you logical?

Tags: Logic

Here are all the results with descriptions

Are Not Logical
You are very emotional when it comes to problem-solving. You could really benefit from slowing down and taking a few minutes to reason through situations before reacting to them. Having emotion is an essential part of making decisions, but logic is the other key ingredient. Make sure you are using equal parts of both!

Use Very Little Logic
You are mostly ruled by your heart when it comes to problem-solving, but on occasion, you are able to reason through a problem logically. Keep working on those critical-thinking skills to sharpen your logical choices. You will be happy you did!

Are Somewhat Logical
You use logic part of the time, but sometimes you still don't think situations through. You have been told more than once to look before you leap, and you try to, but sometimes you just get too excited and go ahead and jump on in!

Are Very Logical
You use logic skills in almost all situations. You are hard to trick, because you are able to clearly think through the ins and outs of new ideas quickly. There are still a few moments when you let your heart or your gut make your decisions, and that is probably a good thing, but for the most part, you are a very logical person.

Are Extremely Logical!
You are all logic and very little emotion. You never do something unless it makes the most sense of all possible courses of action. While your critical-thinking skills are spot on, sometimes a little emotion might actually help you make the decision that is better for other people instead of just the most logical choice. There needs to be a little love and logic in everyone's life!