Which Famous American Indian Chief Are You?

Have you ever wondered which famous American Indian chief you are? Take the quiz and find out now!


Here are all the results with descriptions

Geronimo was a Bedonkohe Apache leader of the Chiricahua Apache and led his people's defense of their homeland against the military might of the United States. You are sensitive and spiritual, and enjoy spending quiet time at home with your loved ones. You may one day inherit the throne, and this neither excites you nor causes you to feel anxiety.

Benito Juarez
Benito Juarez was a national hero and president of Mexico, and he fought against foreign occupation and sought a democratic government for the Latin country. You were born to lead the people and make big decisions that affect the entire world. You enjoy being the center of attention and in charge, and being waited on hand and foot.

Chief Joseph
Chief Joseph was a Nez Perce chief who, faced with settlement by whites of tribal lands in Oregon, led his followers in a dramatic effort to escape to Canada. You are a great and loyal friend who can be counted on to be there in times of need, no matter what.

Captain Jack
Kintpuash, also known as Captain Jack, was a chief of the Modoc tribe of California and Oregon. He led a band from the Klamath Reservation to return to their lands in California, where they resisted return. You are a creative, fascinating individual with a bit of a mysterious side to you. You believe in making use of what you have, whether it's mentally, physically, creatively, or otherwise.

Russell Means
Native American activist and actor Russell Means is known for leading an armed takeover of Wounded Knee, South Dakota, in 1973, and for appearing in films, like 'The Last of the Mohicans.' In 2007, he helped draft a proposal to create a new nation for the Lakota tribe. You are heartfelt and sensitive, and believe the best things in life are things that can't be bought. People admire your persevering spirit and dedication to success, and just by being yourself, you are an inspiration to others.