Which Bible Story Was Written For You?

Which parable is most relevant for you today? Take this short quiz and find a Bible story to guide you in your life.

Tags: Story, Religion

Here are all the results with descriptions

'Foolish Builders' (Matthew 7:24-27)
Have you checked your foundation recently? In the 'Foolish Builders,' Jesus tells of two men building their houses: one chooses to build on sand, because it is fast and easy; the other takes the time and effort to build his house on the rocks. Guess what happens when a storm hits? Yup, the lazy man who built on the sand is homeless! According to the Bible, the foundations of a strong life are family, faith, and friends. Are you putting the time and effort into making sure your life is built strong enough to survive the storm?

'The Good Samaritan' (Luke 10:25-37)
The Bible tells us to 'love thy neighbor as thyself.' But just who is your neighbor? In the story of 'The Good Samaritan,' Jesus teaches that we are all neighbors and that everybody should be treated with love and compassion regardless of their race or faith, or even if they are just downright annoying! This parable also reminds us that help can sometimes come from the most unexpected places. So keep your heart and mind open. Who can you help today?

'The Unmerciful Servant' (Matthew 18:23-35)
Are you holding a grudge? Stuck on a debt that is owed to you? In the parable of 'The Unmerciful Servant,' a servant is forgiven a large debt, but the servant will not forgive someone who owes him a smaller amount. What's up with that? Forgiveness can be a hard thing, but it is important to treat others with forgiveness if you want to be forgiven for your sins--and who can say they don't sin? We're all human! So remember that 'do unto others' goes both ways: if you do something, then expect the same in return. Pay it forward; pass it on!

'The Lost Sheep' (Luke 15:1-7)
Are you lost? The parable of 'The Lost Sheep' tells the story of a young shepherd who leaves the 99 sheep that are safe in the meadow to search for the one that is lost. It's human nature to want to guard the people and things we care about, and we will take risks in order to find them. But we ourselves are valuable, and we must take care that we do not take any wrong turns as we walk life's journey. So don't be a lost sheep; stay safe and do not stray from the path!

Noah and 'The Flood' (Genesis 6:1-9:28)
Everybody knows the story of how Noah built an ark and welcomed the animals on, two by two, but there is a lot more to it than a fun story for kids. Noah did what he knew was right, even though everyone laughed at him. He had faith in God and was content to float and wait until the flood waters receded, even though it seemed as though the ark might float lost on an empty ocean forever. So, when your life seems to be in chaos, remember Noah and have faith that there will be a rainbow to show you the way.

'David and Goliath' (1 Samuel 17:1-58)
This story of a young boy who defeats the gigantic leader of a conquering army with only his slingshot shows us that courage and faith is a combination that will vanquish any enemy. Just like David, you are capable of defeating whatever evil confronts you. So don't be afraid or depressed when life seems bad, but face adversity with a dauntless spirit. You will not only triumph, but will come out stronger and ready to reap the rewards of your courage and faith.