Which Moon Are You?

The moons in our solar system are all unique. Some are frozen, others volcanic or even oceanic! Which one are you?

Tags: Moon, Solar-System

Here are all the results with descriptions

Luna, Earth's Moon
Yes, you have an air of magical mystery, and you do provide a light in the dark, but you're also moody! When your moods change, so do those around you. You might even drive people crazy from time to time!

You are the moon that represents fear and flight! Phobos orbits its father, Mars, at such breakneck speed that in the fifties, scientists seriously considered that it was artificially made by someone using sheet metal! You're porous and electrified, and you just might be man's first link to Martian exploration.

Io (i-o)
You are utterly volcanic. In fact, you are the most volcanic being in the solar system and can shoot lava eight miles high! But you can also run very cold. When you pass into Jupiter's shadow, the sulfur dioxide gas you spew freezes instantly and falls down upon you as icy snow, and your atmosphere collapses. And that's not all. You're also a glorious light show of eternal auroras, and your mountains are higher than Everest.

You're an ambitious and lively self-starter! You're also one to pitch in and help others reach their goals. Mimas is a moon of Saturn and is the smallest astrological body that is rounded in shape by self-gravitation. It also clears the space between the rings of Saturn that are in its orbit. It's made mostly of ice and has taken a beating, but its ice has only cracked, never shattered. Mimas just picks up and keeps on going.

You rock to your own beat, that's for sure. Triton is a cool, smooth, icy moon orbiting Neptune in retrograde. It is the only large moon to orbit its planet in the opposite direction. Triton isn't even a true moon; it's a dwarf planet from a belt of comets that was captured in orbit! Triton does have volcanoes, but being so cool, it spews iciness rather than heat.

You are a breath of fresh air and a drink of cool water that is almost pleasant enough to become an earthling's second home. You may even harbor extraterrestrial life! You're the smoothest known object in the entire solar system, but you've got an ocean of emotion just below your surface.