How Well Do You Know Miami Slang?

Wondering how well you know Miami slang? Thinking you have what it takes to score big on our quiz? Well, now is your chance to prove it! You could be right, or wrong.

Tags: Knowledge, Slang, Slang-Dictionary, Florida

Here are all the results with descriptions

No Knowledge of Miami Slang
You don't know the first thing about Miami slang. You don't know the basic terms, the more complicated ones, any of them. Maybe you've never even been to Miami? Uh-oh. The good news is that you can learn!

Poor Knowledge of Miami Slang
You know very little about Miami slang. You answered very few correctly. This means you've either only watched shows and movies based in Miami, or it's been a very long time since you've been there. Time to learn more.

Passable Knowledge of Miami Slang
You know a fair share of Miami slang! Not a whole lot, but enough that walking down the streets of Miami, you wouldn't be thrown into a confused mess of a pile just trying to keep up with whatever is going on, so good on you!

Good Knowledge of Miami Slang
You know quite a bit of Miami slang! Good knowledge. You've either been to Miami a few times, or somehow you've seen a lot of shows and movies based there and have managed to pick up a lot along the way!

Super Expert Knowledge of Miami Slang
You're an expert at Miami slang! It's like you live there? You must hear these slang terms all the time maybe? Whatever the case may be, congratulations on being so knowledgable! We'd say keep it up, but you probably will anyway.