What is My Viking Name?

Were you born of out of the ashes of Asgard or from the Well of Urd? Perhaps you are leaf on the branches of Yggdrasil. However you came to be, you must be named! Take the quiz!

Tags: History, Name, Viking

Here are all the results with descriptions

You are the ultimate pillager, wrecker, hammer swinging destroyer. Nothing stands in your way when you're thirsty for treasure and the spoils of war. You need neither axe nor sword nor shield - your adrenaline, limbs, and hammer are destructive enough.

You fear NOTHING. Even the supernatural has no hold over you. You will battle anything from a lowly mouse to a 20-foot troll. If you have no weapon you will take them on with a roar and your own bare hands.

You are a master of the oceans, a conqueror of islands, a creator of dynasties! Not only are you a fearsome warrior, you are a political powerhouse. You show no mercy - there is no fairness in war. It's winner take all and you are the victor.

You are what epic sagas are born of. Half of your decisions in battle are based on how epic the stories told after will be. If there's a better way to do something, you'll still do it the hard way just for the bragging rights.

You are a God of Bears. You are the strongest of all raiders and can carry a longboat on your shoulders. There is no need for portage. You have the strength of a thousand men. Because you have nothing to prove, you sometimes show mercy. When it's deserved, of course.

You are the ultimate leader. Even the waves heed your words and will turn back at your will. Your kingdom stretches over half the earth and all Vikings pay allegiance to you. The Valkyries spare you often but they guarantee you will have a place of honor in Valhalla.