What to Text A Girl?

Do you have a crush on a girl that you would love to connect with, but you are not quite sure what to text her? Take this quiz to figure out what you should message her!

Tags: Relationship, Message, Social-Media, Friend, Girl

Here are all the results with descriptions

text her 'hey'.
It is clear from your answers that you have not spoken to this girl very much. Therefore, you should message her a salutation first and see how she responds. Based on her response you can choose what to say next!

ask how her day was.
It is clear that you and the girl you want to text message have spoken before on several other occasions. You may even have a bit of a relationship forming. Therefore, it's totally fine to message her asking how her day was. This will show that you care about her and value your budding relationship.

send a 'good morning text'.
It is obvious from your answers that you talk to this girl pretty frequently. Therefore, you should text her when you think about her, which we're guessing is throughout the day, even first thing in the morning. Sending a text simply saying 'good morning' will help initiate a conversation while also showing how much you care.

ask what she's doing later.
It is clear from your answers that you talk this girl pretty regularly. Therefore, you should try texting her early on in the day to see what she's doing later on. This will maintain the casual-ness of your budding relationship while giving you a chance to ask her out. (Our guess is that she's most likely interested in you!)

tell her you like her.
It is obvious from your answers that you not only talk to this girl all the time, but that she likes you! We suggest bravely telling her that you like her during one of your many texting conversations. This will give her the time and space to respond honestly, and you can avoid any potential in-persno awkward moments.

profess your love.
It is so obvious that you both are head over heels in love with each other. Therefore, we suggest messaging her about your feelings. We don't doubt that she'll respond in kind. Best of luck to you (even though you probably won't need it)!