How Well Do You Know Kitchen Slang?

Did you ever think about working in a kitchen somewhere? Did you know that they have their own language? See if you know what the answers to these common kitchen slang terms.

Tags: Knowledge, Cook, Restaurant, Language, Terminology, Vocabulary

Here are all the results with descriptions

Absolutely Nothing About Kitchen Slang!
You didn't get any of these questions right. There's no way that you would ever be able to jump in with the crew and get to work. Well, you could, but you wouldn't have any idea what you're supposed to be doing. That could make things difficult.

Very Little Kitchen Slang.
There are a few terms that you picked up on, but that might just be due to common sense. If you are one of those fake it until you make it kind of folks, go ahead and apply for that cooking position. You'll figure it out... eventually.

Some Kitchen Slang Terms
You knew a few of the terms that some others might not have known, but you still have a long way to go. You could take some time and just sit back and listen to the people back there for a while and probably do much better on this quiz the next time around.

Quite A Bit About Kitchen Slang.
You are smarter than the average person when it comes to kitchen slang. You may have worked in one for a short while, or maybe one of your parents did and used the terminology at home. Whatever the case, you're not far off from being a pro.

Almost Everything About Kitchen Slang.
Oh, so close! There are only a few questions that you missed, and you could probably go back and retake this after sitting in your favorite booth at the diner downtown for the night. Come back and try again and you're sure to ace this one.

Everything About Kitchen Slang!
Okay, so you've got to be a professional chef or something because you got every single one of these questions right! If you aren't an employee in a kitchen already, you need to go get a job there right now. This is clearly your passion.