Can You Answer These Questions Everyone Should Know?

There are some things in life that everyone should know. If you don't know these things, you should! Can you pass a simple quiz on common knowledge? Find out!

Tags: Knowledge, Education, School, Personality, Attitude, Learn, Study

Here are all the results with descriptions

Don't know nearly enough
It's time to start learning more of the many, many things you should know! You'll need to if you're going to get through life without a boatload of stress. You do know the super simple things like not microwaving metal, right?

Learn more
You aren't completely hopeless, but you do need to beef up your common knowledge. It's important to know basic life knowledge if you want to live life smoothly. You won't always have the internet at your fingertips - you do go out of range sometimes!

Enough to almost get by
You answered at least half of these questions correctly but you still have 50% of them to learn! Get started now by looking up the questions you know stumped you. Knowing basic cooking, lifesaving, and other skills will make your life much easier when you're in a pinch.

A lot about life's questions
You answered more than half of these questions right but it's important to know them all! Look them up now so that if you're ever in a situation in which you need to know the answer but don't have cell service you can recall the answer from memory!

Great job - you knew the answers to most, if not all of these questions! If there were any that stumped you, look them up and remember them so you'll have the answer handy when you need it! Make sure your friends and family know all of the answers as well!