Are You a True Shoe Diva? How Much do You Know About Shoes?

You're probably not a cobbler, because not many people are, but how much DO you know about shoes or the shoe side of fashion? Find out what you know by taking this quiz!

Tags: Woman, Knowledge, Style, Fashion, Look, Trend, Appearance, Behavior, Attitude, Shoes

Here are all the results with descriptions

You know next to nothing about shoes. You might not even wear them. Or maybe you're one of those people that wears a rope between your toe and ankle and you call THAT a shoe. At least move up to Mr. Rogers' level and get yourself a pair of loafers and a pair of sneakers!

Not shoe savvy
You know what a shoe is and what a shoe store looks like, but you don't seem to know much more than that. Amp up (or vamp up) your wardrobe by expanding your shoe knowledge. You'll have a better idea of what to buy the next time you go shoe shopping!

So so on shoe knowledge
You have about an average grasp of all things shoe. So, not a bad score, really. Unless of course, you want to be a shoe designer or a fashion editor. Well, then you'll have to increase your knowledge of the shoe world . . .

Shoe savvy
You know more than the average person about shoes. You know what the classics are, what makes a good shoe, and what's in style and what's not. You probably look at your friends' feet and wonder who let them out of the house in such horrid footwear . . .

A shoe expert!
So you ARE a shoe cobbler or cordwainer! Or are you a shoe designer? Maybe you write for a fashion magazine or a catalog? You must do something that has resulted in all of this mad knowledge about the shoe world!