Am I Overweight?

Has a nagging little voice in your head led you on to believe that you're overweight? Well, maybe you are. Or aren't! Bet it's bothering you. The good news is you can take this quiz and find out for sure!

Tags: Woman, Overweight, Diet, Body

Here are all the results with descriptions

Totally Not Overweight!
You're so not overweight, that you must be going crazy for even considering otherwise. You drink tons of water, eat right, exercise, and more than that, you understand the simple concept of calories in versus out. You don't eat more calories than you're burning. Chances are you even know your BMR, the amount of calories your body burns at rest.

You're Doing Fine... For Now...
Well, you're not overweight, so that's a real plus. But you're not the thinnest person either. You're at a point where you could go either way, and only time will tell whether you push through that final health step to get you there, or whether you'll throw in the towel and just start eating right from the box.

You're Getting Dangerously Close!
You're not overweight, but you're super close. That means you're like within 10 lbs. If you were bad for about a week, and laid off the exercise, you'd be overweight. That's not good! It's in your hands, whether you want to make good choices or not.

You're Overweight
You're overweight and that means you ate a little too much, and didn't burn enough calories. This happens over a decent period of time, with weight slowly (or more like surprisingly quickly) packing on each day. And you're the only one who can turn it around! Start by limiting your calorie count. Yes, you can eat the junk food, no food is to blame here. It's just the amount of calories that's to blame. Limit those, and you're in the clear.