Should I Kiss Him?

Just being around him or thinking about him makes you blush. When someone says his name, you get butterflies in your stomach. If these scenarios sound familiar, you are probably wondering if you should make the first move and kiss him. Don't take a chance without taking this quiz to see if kissing is a good idea.

Tags: Women, Relationship, Kiss, Tenderness, Lips

Here are all the results with descriptions

definitely not kiss him
You should not kiss this man. There are no indications that he feels the same way about you as you do him. If you are desperate, just ask him what he would do if you kissed him. If he says he will gag or run away, at least you can pretend it was a joke.

wait to kiss him
It's too early in your relationship to kiss him. He's confused and if you kiss him, you might scare him away. So, be patient. . . and look adorable while you wait. It can't hurt to invest in some flavored lip gloss for when the time is right.

let him kiss you
This guy sounds pretty traditional. If he really likes you, he will eventually make a move. To encourage him, compliment him and find excuses to lightly touch his arm or his shoulder. Sooner rather than later, he will get the hint.

kiss him on the cheek
You still need to gather a little more evidence. If you kiss him on the cheek, you can give him a green light to slide in for a real kiss if he wants. Or if he seems cold, you will know that he's not that into you.

kiss him immediately
Pucker up! This guy sounds amazing, and you sound like quite the catch yourself. It's pretty safe to say he's interested in you too. If it turns out that he's not, at least you know the truth and he's nice enough not to make you feel too bad.

kiss someone else
This guy is not worth your time. I know you think he is amazing, but it just doesn't seem like he merits all the attention you are showering on him. If you just widen out your circle of friends, you might meet someone who is more suited to you.