Perfect Girlfriend Quiz

There's someone out there for everyone. But who would you be the perfect girlfriend for? This hysterical quiz will answer this question and more for you!

Tags: Women, Girlfriend, Relationship, Boyfriend, Sweetheart

Here are all the results with descriptions

a shy guy
You have the patience and appeal to date a shy guy. You appreciate building a friendship before a romantic relationship, yet you are so attractive (inside and out) that shy guys will eventually step out of their comfort zone to be with you. They can't resist!

a geek
Geeks are great to date because they are smart, quirky, and sincere. They will look past your physical beauty and love you for your personality. Find a sweet nerd and your future will be filled with interesting conversation and fun chemistry experiments!

a roughneck
Not all roughnecks are touch rebels who are always getting into trouble. Some of them have a softer side that you just have to discover. That's something that's almost impossible to do, but if you find a good soul. . . you are the perfect girlfriend for a bad boy.

a sensitive soul
Mysterious and brooding isn't appealing for every woman. But you are the perfect person to get to know and to draw out the personality of a sensitive soul. It will take time, patience, and understanding. . . just the qualities you have!

a fixer-upper
You are the perfect girlfriend for a diamond in the rough. Don't pay attention to the superficial details such as the corny T-shirts he wears or the fact that he hasn't finished his college degree yet. He's on his way to being the perfect man for you if you wait patiently.

a perfect 10
A ten deserves another ten. You are a great girl with a kind spirit and a fun personality. It's only fair that you date someone who is on your same level. So, don't sell yourself short! You can have someone who treats you as well as you treat them.