What Color Should I Wear Today?

Wondering which color to wear today? Sitting on the edge of your bed at a complete loss? Then it's time to answer some short questions about yourself, right in this moment!

Tags: Women, Clothes, Color, Wardrobe, Fashion, Style

Here are all the results with descriptions

You hate people, you're jaded by society, you're in mourning, or you're in a terrible chapter in your life. It's also possible that you just really, really love the color black, because it goes with most everything, and you look great in it. Plus, it's super classy, or dressed down, depending on how you wear it. Versatile meaning, versatile styles.

Your mission today is to stand out and be noticed. You need something bold, something passionate, something. . . red. It will not only meet your goals for today, you'll also look good while doing it. Maybe you'll bump into someone new, unexpectedly? That'd be nice, right? Or if you have someone, it may make them see you in a new, fiery light!

You're going through a bit of a rehaul, a new chapter, some new experiences. . . and altogether, you have been feeling a bit changed lately. It's hard not to be, when you go through so much. Maybe the color white is in order, like a blank canvas. It's symbolic of how you feel, but also welcomes a new beginning with open arms.

You have money and/or health on the mind today, and that means it's time to wear some green for good luck. If you want money, what better way to draw that in, and inspire, than by wearing green? And let's be honest: healthy food? It's predominantly green too! Maybe that's not a coincidence at all?

Before you say something like 'Gray? That's so boring! ' Let's face some facts here: gray is a neutral, so you can pair it with a lot of different colors and patterns. That means if you pull out a gray sweater and pair it with basic, bland jeans. . . sure, that's boring. But pull out tight plaid pants and heels, and you have yourself a new go-to outfit! Gray is ideal here, because you're feeling open-minded and calm today. Play that up.