Here are all the results with descriptions
Elementary level
You have the education level of an elementary school kid and seeing how you are an adult this is pitiful. Based off of this result you probably need to go and get checked out as soon as you possibly can.
Junior high level
Ok based off your results you can probably function on your own but you do not need to be making any real decisions. If you have a job someone needs to be in charge of your money otherwise your bills will never get paid.
High school level
Based off your level of education you are smart enough to survive in the real world but it will take you a ling time to get anywhere. Without furthering your education you will probably be stuck in a dead end job.
Associate degree level
Your level of education has allowed you to gain a useful trade. This will come to be a very smart decision by you. If you gain enough experience in your field and build a good enough reputation you could probably open your own business.
Bachelor degree level
You are in a position that many people never get a chance to be in. Based off your education level many doors will open for you. It will not be easy to walk through them but you have done the work to make sure you have many options.
Master's degree level
Based off your education level you will be someone's boss. Your knowledge a d experience will put you in positions to potentially run businesses one day. You have worked very hard and it is going to pay off.