Africa Quiz

Have you ever been curious about the continent of Africa? Have you been doing your research on the region? Do you think you know enough to pass a quiz on the topic? Find out right now!

Tags: Trivia, Geography, History, Culture

Here are all the results with descriptions

Nothing About Africa
You better not have any trips coming up in your near future, because you didn't get a single one of these questions right. If you are truly interested in all this great region has to offer, it's time for you to do some research!

Very Little About Africa
You got a few of these questions about Africa correct, but you missed most of them. You have a lot of reading and studying to do if you want to become an expert on everything that is Africa. If you were just doing this for fun, you don't have much to worry about.

An Average Amount About Africa
It looks like you remember a little bit about Africa from your school days, and it shows in your answers. You got about half of these correct, so we put you in the middle of the pack as far as your knowledge level goes. That's okay though because some of these were pretty tough!

A Lot About Africa
When it comes to Africa, you know your stuff! You didn't get every single one of the questions right, but you were pretty darn close. Maybe do a little internet research on the topics we covered and come back. We bet you could get that A!

Everything About Africa
Well look at you go smarty pants! When it comes to Africa knowledge, you got it down! You got every single one of these questions correct, and that's something that you should be proud of because some of these were actually pretty hard. Go ahead and brag to your friends now.