Why Should We Hire You?

A short quiz that will answer why an employer should hire you. Sometimes it's difficult for some people to point out their own strengths, so this quiz will help you in doing so.

Tags: Job, Interview, Employee, Strengths

Here are all the results with descriptions

You're a born leader
You are a natural born leader. It doesn't take you long to find something to do if all tasks have been done. You possess exceptional leadership skills and do really well taking charge. The idea of change has never scared you because you're always ready.

You're goal oriented
You are extremely goal oriented no matter what the task at hand is. If you were a sandwich maker at a fast food restaurant, you would strive to be the fastest and most accurate. The same applies if you were mowing lawns, greeting guests or being the mayor of a city. You soar.

You're team oriented
You are definitely a team player. You always step in and go above and beyond for group projects. You have no problem working with someone else, opposed to doing a task alone. You feel that the overall goal should be that everyone wins.

You're punctual
You are extremely punctual. You are a deadline guru and you're never late to work. Employers look for someone like you that always arrives to work early and is never late. You always get tasks completed before the deadline day.

You have experience
You are extremely talented because you have worked in various industries in the workforce. You have a vast majority of experience that always seems relevant. You have tenured knowledge that others may not necessarily have.

You have great problem solving skills
You should be hired because you are a great problem solver. You generally tend to take ownership of problems and come up with a resolution. You have been a mediator in the past and can always be found on a conflict resolution team.