Safety Quiz

Safety is important in every aspect of your life whether it be work, school, home, or just walking down the street. Do you know all the proper safety measures to follow to stay protected from danger? Find out with this quiz!

Tags: Living

Here are all the results with descriptions

Nothing About Safety
We are actually kind of surprised that you're even alive at this point because you didn't get a single question about safety right. It seems like you do the exact opposite actually. Let's just hope that your luck doesn't run out anytime soon!

Very Little About Safety
There are a couple of things that you got right when it comes to following proper safety protocol, but you got way more wrong than you did right. You need to start being a little bit more aware of your surroundings, or you might find yourself in some trouble!

An Average Amount About Safety
You are someone that follows along with the proper safety measures about half the time going off of the way you answered these questions. Maybe you like to live life a little dangerously sometimes. To each their own.

A Whole Lot About Safety
When it comes to safety, it seems like you know your stuff! You didn't get every single answer right, but you got most of them and that's more than a lot of people can say. We're guessing you're the most responsible one in your group of friends. Did we get that right?

Everything About Safety
Well, look at you! You should probably be some sort of safety professional because you got every single one of these questions right. You definitely know what to do to keep yourself away from harm. We expect you are going to live a very long time.