Questions To Ask A Guy On A First Date?

Going on a first date with a guy you like? Well, there are some things you should be asking right out of the gate, so you know whether or not there could be a second or third date!

Tags: Men, Women, Dating, Love, Relationships

Here are all the results with descriptions

Questions About His Childhood
Your family life is very important to you. The way you were raised, it says a lot about who you are today, and you take great pride in that. Translation: you have a tight knit family, and need a guy who can keep up with that. Maybe even someone who actively hangs out with his family.

Questions About His Goals
You're all about competing, striving toward something, and aiming high. In fact, you're a bit of a high achiever, always straight A's in school, thinking about the next step to get to where you want to be. And that means you need a guy who can keep up with that. A guy who wants to work at a dinky coffee shop the rest of his life isn't for you. But the owner of the shop might be!

Questions About His Hobbies
Unlike many people who live to work, and get their kicks from promotions, water cooler talks, and overtime, you're all about living life how it's meant to be lived. You work to live, not the other way around. And so, hobbies are super important to you. How someone spends their free time says a lot about them! That means you should be asking that right out of the gate, so you know if you have anything in common.

Questions About His Dating Do's And Don'ts
That's right, dating do's and don'ts. The trick here is to NOT change your behavior accordingly. You need to keep being yourself, 100%. Otherwise, you'd be living a lie, and that's no fun. No, you just need this information so you know whether you have potential to be a couple somewhere down the line. If it turns out you don't, you can at least approach this like a new friendship!