How Do You Know If You Are In Love?

Are you wondering if you have reached that level of being in love that you only see in the movies? Are you wondering what signs you're showing that prove you're in love? Find out by taking this quiz!

Tags: Relationships, Love, Couples, Boyfriend, Girlfriend

Here are all the results with descriptions

You Always Want To Be With Them
It doesn't matter if your family is taking a trip to Jamaica for a week of vacation, you don't want to go unless your boyfriend/girlfriend can come to. You would rather sleep with them under a bridge than spend a minute apart. That shows true love without question!

You Can't Stop Thinking About Them
It doesn't matter what you're doing or where you are, all you can think of is that special person in your life and it brings a smile to your face and joy to your heart. It can make it difficult to focus, but love isn't something that everyone gets to experience, so we suggest you take advantage of it while you can.

You're Losing Weight
When you're in love with someone, one of the common things that happen is you losing your appetite. You want to show this person just how incredible you can look, and that might mean dropping a few pounds. It's common for people that are in love, so if it's happening to you, it could be a good indicator that you've found someone that really means something.

You Can't Sleep At Night
Every time you lay your head down at night to get some rest, your mind starts reeling with images and things that have happened with this person you're thinking about. Soon a few hours have passed and you're still off in la-la land thinking about them. It's normal for people that are in love, so don't worry about it too much. You will catch up on sleep soon enough.

You Get Butterflies In Your Stomach
Whenever that special person comes around, or sometimes even just thinking about them, you get that feeling of having butterflies in your stomach. It's not something that people just made it. It's a real feeling, and if it's happening to you, you're going to know it. It's a true sign you're in love!

You Don't Have Eyes For Anyone Else
When you used to go out for a night with the guys/girls, your eyes would wander around the club, and you would find at least one or two people that pique your interest. That doesn't happen at all, ever, at least not anymore. You have no interest in even looking. You've already found what you've been searching for.