Clan Name Generator

What is the perfect name for your CoD or CoC clan? This entertaining quiz will use revealing questions to get to know you and the members of your clan. Let's start!

Tags: Clan, Name

Here are all the results with descriptions

Stone Carvers
You need a clan name that reflects the durable and permanent bond of your members. If something is written in stone, it can not be erased or changed. You and the members of your clan are bonded together forever.

Smoldering Wick
Your clan name reflects the deceptive strength of a smoldering wick. With the right conditions, the flame can rejuvenate itself in an instant and turn into a deadly, raging fire that overwhelms everything in its path.

Your clan name reflects the combined strength of your members. Always remember, the total is greater than the sum of its parts. Each member has weaknesses, but together you are a powerful force to be reckoned with! (Other variations :Sum Total, The Sum, The Total, 8Strong. ).

One of the strengths of your clan is the ability to pursue opponents or objectives to the finish. You need to clan name that reflects your creativity, hunting ability, and craftiness. We suggest the Pursuit or the Hunt.

The Chase
Your clan's dominant qualities are ambition and perseverance. You need a clan name that reflects your unique relentless and unstoppable hunger for the hunt. We suggest The Chase, Chase War, or Unbroken Arrow!

Game Over
This name is as much for your clan as it is a warning to other clans. You don't give up; you stand together to fight for your goals! Your clan name reflects your unique ability to win! We suggest Game Over!