What State Do I Live In?

Does your attitude regarding certain subjects and the way you pronounce words give away where you live? We think so. Take this quiz, and we'll guess exactly which state you're from!

Tags: Living, Geography, America, States

Here are all the results with descriptions

New York
You are a New Yorker through and through. You stand in line and enjoy your bagels. You're actually probably from New York City where you picked up a bit of an accent and attitude. You're tough, and you know how to hustle for what you want.

You've got that southern charm to you. You are a bit conservative on most subjects. You also bear a southern drawl, which the opposite sex finds hard to resist. You have that twang and wholesome attitude that people love!

You are totally chill bro. You like to surf and spend all day at the beach. You are also a sucker for hot weather. When it comes to an accent you basically just have a laid back way of talking which reflects your philosophy on how to approach life.

You are just a good ol' boy from the midwest. You work hard for every inch that you get. You also tend to talk a little more proper than other parts of the country. Your speech is what people would mostly call normal with a few unique quirks.

Ya betcha we guessed it right. The closer to Canada the closer the speech is to Canadian. It may just be hard to decipher between the way you talk and Canadians do. You also love the cold weather and hockey!

Florida is super unique. It's considered part of the South but doesn't exactly mirror the speech or way of life that is typical in other southern states. It's known for being a bit wild just like you!