Where Should I Retire?

Are you starting to think about what you're going to do when you finally walk out of work for the last day and retire? We can help you find out where to go with this quiz!

Tags: Living, Retirement, Location, Vacation, Moving

Here are all the results with descriptions

Lancaster, Pennsylvania
Believe it or not, Lancaster, Pennsylvania is the number one retirement destination in all of the United States as of 2019. They offer affordable housing, plenty of things to do to keep you busy, and the overall attitude of the people already living there is happy, happy, happy! How could you go wrong?

Fort Myers, Florida
During retirement, you don't want stress, drama, or anything undesirable ruining your good time. Fort Myers, Florida is known as one of the most desirable places to live in the world because of how happy the people are living there. Plus, it stays pretty warm all year round so you don't have to worry about any more miserable winters!

Austin, Texas
Everything is bigger in Texas, so why wouldn't you want to live out your retirement years in such an open and inviting place? There's tons of live music to be seen if you're a fan, and there are even colleges if you're interested in going back to school. Check that off the bucket list!

Grand Rapids, Michigan
Has art always been a bit of a passion for you? Then Grand Rapids, Michigan is a great place for you to enjoy spending time surrounded by it. In the summers, the whole city of Grand Rapids turns into one great big gallery. Housing is reasonable here, and you could even volunteer to work with the art museums if you want something to do in your spare time!

Nashville, Tennessee
Retirement doesn't have to mean you sit in your house every day drinking coffee and reading the paper. Now is the time for you to live and party it up in style! Nashville, Tennessee is just the place for you if you're still young at heart. There are plenty of bars, places to see live country music, and even sporting stadiums for professional league teams!

Washington, D. C
When money isn't a concern for your retirement living, Washington D. C. is a nice choice. You can expect to pay about $500, 000 for a home, but you get to take advantage of being so close to some of the nation's most popular attractions. Who doesn't want to say they live in the capital of the whole country?