Husband Quiz

Wondering if you can pass this husband quiz? Think you have what it takes to be a good one? Put it to the test already! Let's see what you're really made of.

Tags: Men, Husband, Love, Relationships, Marriage

Here are all the results with descriptions

Great Husband Material
You do more than just sit there and get fed. You do more than watch your wife clean around the house. Whether or not you're married yet, you're great husband material because you understand the power of two. You're a real partner in love and life, and you're not afraid to share the responsibility of regular household maintenance, relationship problem solving, and even event planning. Not to mention, you're a good listener, a loving partner, and a rock when you need to be strong.

Average Husband Material
You may not be Mr. Perfect, but it doesn't mean you're not Mr. Right. Sure, you have some flaws. You aren't as clean and orderly as you probably should be, and you aren't always the most patient, but you're nothing if not caring. You're affectionate, loving, and warm above all else. You go out of your way to help, to fix things, to be there, and most importantly, to just hold your partner when things seem to be going all sorts of bad for them. Yes, you may be average, but that's enough.

Poor Husband Material
You don't listen. And honestly, regardless of however many times you're told to give people more respect, or to just be nicer, you never do anything differently. You are who you are, and any change or self-improvement on your part is something that you consider. . . too drastic. As a firm believer in 'all change means I'm changing who I am, ' you pride yourself in never doing things for anyone else. Problem is, that makes you selfish. And you don't understand how to improve without losing yourself.