The Crusades

The Crusades have a rich and fascinating history. How much do you know about this sad event? This trivia quiz will test your knowledge of the people, places, and events.

Tags: Catholic, Religion, History, War

Here are all the results with descriptions

you don't know much
Learning about the Crusades is important to have a well-rounded knowledge of history. You hardly got any answers right, so it's clear that you need to study more about this subject if you want to try the quiz again!

you have a lot to learn
You got only a few of our Crusade quiz questions right, so so it's clear that you need to study more about this subject if you want to try the quiz again! The good news is, the research is interesting and important.

you know a little
You answered some of our Crusade trivia questions correctly, but you also got a lot of them wrong. It's clear that you need to study some more about this important historical topic before you try the quiz again!

you have some knowledge
You answered quite a few of our Crusade quiz questions correctly, but it's clear that you don't know everything there is to know because you got some of them wrong too. Keep studying this important historical subject!

you have a lot of knowledge
You answered the majority of our Crusade quiz questions correctly, but it's clear that you don't know everything there is to know because you got a few of them wrong. Keep studying and next time you'll get a perfect score.

you know almost everything there is to know
Great job! You answered virtually all of our Crusade quiz questions correctly! If this topic was easy for you, you should try to see if you can get a high score on another one of our online history knowledge quizzes!