Which Knight Of The Round Table Are You?

Go back to the age of holy grail searches and mysterious islands by finding out which Knight of the Round Table in King Arthur's legends you are. Adventure awaits!

Tags: Man, Boy, Girl, Fun, Knight, Legend

Here are all the results with descriptions

You are the most romantic knight in all of history. Chivalry is almost entirely based on you. But, don't get a big head or your visor won't fit. You are also a homewrecker that stole Arthur's wife and then turned around and cheated on her. So, even if you are the child of the Lady of the Lake and super handsome, you're still not perfect.

You are the son of Sir Lancelot and The Grail Knight. Meaning you were the one who found the grail. Some say it's because God thought you were the only one that was worthy. You drank from the cup and ascended alive into Heaven.

You invented garden gnomes! Sort of. You had to go into battle with some silly fairies to retrieve Excaliber. They happened to have colorful hats and have come down into the 21st century as garden gnomes. That's what they get for stealing important swords.

You are one of the few legendary characters that is actually historically REAL. You are known throughout several works scattered about Europe, beginning in Wales. You are the son of King Lot of Orkney island in Scotland and the nephew of King Arthur.

You are a true and loyal servant of the King. You were Arthur's cupbearer when he was alive, you carried him to Avalon when he died, and you were so loyal that you were tasked with returning Excalibur to The Lady of the Lake.

You were with King Arthur from the very beginning as his foster brother and you are one of his most trusted inner circle. In fact, you are his seneschal. You're kind of grumpy with everyone else though. But, if you feel you have a job to do and people aren't pulling their weight, well . . .