Roman Emperors

Rome was a republic ruled by senators, but there were emperors at times and it was the Roman empire. What do you know about them? Find out with this quiz!

Tags: Woman, Man, Boy, Girl, Adults, Kids, Education, Kings

Here are all the results with descriptions

You know almost nothing about Roman emperors. That doesn't mean you know nothing about Rome. And now that you've taken the quiz and seen the answers, you're up to speed. There's more to learn, though! Read up on Roman history.

Very little
You don't know a lot about Roman emperors, but you do know a bit. While you didn't get the lowest score, there is still a lot you could learn about Roman history. You've got a good start though, so at least you know where to jump in!

A bit
You know a bit about Roman emperors. You must have been paying attention in school. Enough to have an average to better than average knowledge of Roman history. Keep it up by learning more. You could even cheat and watch movies about ancient Rome!

About Roman emporers
You don't know a lot about Roman's empirical rulers, but you know more than a little. And that's kind of a lot. It's much more than the next person. So give yourself a pat on the back and keep on keeping up with Rome and its history.

A lot
You are practically an expert in Roman history - but not quite. There is still more you could learn about Roman emperors - but just a little. You certainly beat the quiz and then some. Share your knowledge with your friends!

You are an expert on Roman emperors! You must be really, REALLY into Roman history. Maybe you're a history teacher or a historical novelist? At any rate, there isn't too much more you could know about Roman emperors!