Am I Wasting My Time?

Time is precious! If you don't want to waste it, you should take this quiz! It will help you to determine if the things you are doing are worth the trouble.

Tags: Time, Management

Here are all the results with descriptions

Yes, you are
The things that you are pursuing right now are definitely wasting your precious time. If you continue, in a couple of years when you look back at your life, you are going to regret missing opportunities and experiences.

Yes, about 50% too much
Not every thing you are doing right now is a waste of time, but you are definitely spending too much time on things that are not going to benefit you in any way. Think about your daily habits, and try to replace one of them with something better for at least two weeks. You will see that you don't miss the time-waster as much as you thought you might.

Yes, a little. .
Not every thing you are doing right now is a waste of time, but you are definitely spending a little of your time in a wasteful way. If you are not happy with that, you can try replacing one of your worthless habits with something more satisfying, such as taking a class, exercising, getting in touch with a family member, or cleaning your house!

Not sure. .
The quiz results are inconclusive. Here's why. The things you are doing aren't bad in and of themselves, but they may be unnecessary for you. For example, cleaning is productive. But if you are cleaning to procrastinate or because you are obsessive-compulsive, it could be a waste of time. You are going to have to do some personal soul-searching if you want to identify potential time-wasters.

No, only a little. .
Everyone deserves a little rest and relaxation from time to time. So, you do waste time occasionally, but you don't regularly waste an excessive amount of time. You handle your responsibilities, so you are very balanced!

No, not at all
You don't waste time on unnecessary things and you put your responsibilities in the highest priority. However, everyone deserves a little rest and relaxation from time to time. So remember to be balanced!