Hindu Zodiac Signs

This quiz will help you discover which Hindu zodiac sign best fits your personality. Remember to have fun and answer honestly and you may just be surprised at how accurate your results are!

Tags: Personality, Spiritual, Hinduism, Hindu, Zodiac

Here are all the results with descriptions

As a Makar, you are known for setting high goals for yourself. You are also conservative in your approach to life. Because you base your worth around your success the opinion of others holds an important place in your life.

Vrushabha is the second Rashi. As a Vrushabha you are calm, stable and dependable. You are also very practical, charitable and a good planner. Sometimes though, you may find that you are controlling and uncouth.

Mesha is the first sign of Rashichakra. As a Mesha, you are brave sometimes to the point of foolishness. You are also headstrong and slightly self-centered. Though those qualities make you a strong leader.

This sign represents twins. You are a fun time and the life of the party. People really enjoy your company, but because you change with changing whims people don't always take you seriously. You are also very indecisive.

Dhanus are great companions and are known as the incurable optimist. You are outspoken and also always in pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. Unfortunately, sometimes you are also arrogant and over-confident which can overpower some of your other great qualities.

You as a Simha are known for being extremely loyal. You are also very straightforward in all aspects of your life. You like to be the center of attention and hailed as the most important person in the room. Overall, you are simultaneously regal and vain.