What Color is Your True Personality?

If your personality were defined by a color, what would it be?

Tags: Personality, Color, Character-Traits

Here are all the results with descriptions

Your personality is black. Black has gotten a bad rap over the years as being representative of all things scary, dark, mysterious and morbid. But when it comes to personalities, black-colored characters are more than that. Black signifies a strong and powerful personality, a person known and respected for being a rational and confident leader. You're also probably very sophisticated, smart, and rather artsy and creative--and yes, maybe a little bit freaky.

True white personalities are probably exactly what you think they might be. Clean, simple, elegant and highly spiritual, white personalities are people with pure intentions and angelic characters. You probably come across as sweet and honest, and many love interests will hold you on a pedestal and see you as marriage material. On the downside, you're also emotionally unavailable at times, and can be quite stubborn if you can't get what you want--which isn't often!

Red personalities are bright, charismatic, and idealistic. They are often the center of attention and enjoy being in the spotlight. They can also be aggressive, outspoken and hot-tempered, but this side of them only comes out when their position as leader of the group or the center of attention is threatened. As long as they're allowed to run the show, red people are fun, caring and a blast to be around.

Blue personalities are excellent friends and loyal romantic partners. Intelligent and thoughtful, they're rational people with incredible work ethics. They're natural business people, or at the very least, they're great with money. Responsible and wise, blue personalities make wonderful employees, bosses, and parents.

Your personality is green. Green people are highly intelligent and self-aware individuals. They love information and smart conversations, and spend a great deal of time reading, writing, and communicating whatever interests them at the moment. Quick-thinking and conceptual, they are able to separate their emotions from rational thought, making them highly capable of maintaining a clear head at all times.

Yellow personalities are difficult to get to know. They can often be reserved and critical of others, and can experience high anxiety in new situations or surroundings. They tend to be perfectionists, and are afraid of making mistakes or being judged. This is too bad, because yellow people are also incredibly bright and sunny people to be around, once they accept you as a part of their world.