Career Interest Quiz

Wondering what career you should go into? Then it's time to take this insightful quiz that is sure to help you organize your thoughts clearly and effectively!

Tags: Career, Work, Job, Future, Interests

Here are all the results with descriptions

Something Techy
Think product designer, or engineer, maybe programmer. Anything related to new tech and advancements in tech makes you excited, more than anything else in the world, really. So, play up those strengths and interests!

Something Creative
It could be writing, graphic design, photography, even culinary arts. Whatever it is, it's something that really makes you excited. You get to create something from nothing, and really showcase some valuable skills that few people have!

Something Law Or Forensics Oriented
You're all about crime shows and serial killers, so maybe a career in law enforcement is for you. Think lawyer, or crime scene investigator, or forensics. Even detective, if you're willing to climb the ranks. Just be prepared to see a lot of stuff you wish you hadn't.

Something Science Based
It could be biology, medicine, marine biology, horticulture, you name it. Science intrigues you more than anything else out there, so it's likely that you'd be happy in a career path that uses it on a daily basis!